elks lodge 99, los angeles, ca (1926)
16 Open Diapason 16 Gamba (TC) 8 First Diapason 8 Second Diapason 8 Tuba 8 French Horn 8 Kinura 8 Gross Flute 8 Clarinet 8 Doppel Flute 8 Gamba 8 Violin I 8 Violin II 8 Violin III 8 Quintadena 8 Dulciana 4 Tuba Clarion 4 Octave Diapason 4 Doppel Flute Twelfth 2 2/3 2 Fifteenth Cornet III Harp Glockenspiel Xylophone Chimes Strings Forte' GREAT ORGAN 2nd Touch 8 Tuba 8 French Horn 8 Gross Flute 8 Gamba COUPLER RAIL (backrail) Pedal Octaves 8 Great to Pedal 4 Great to Pedal 8 Swell to Pedal 4 Swell to Pedal 8 Choir to Pedal Solo to Pedal 16 Swell to Swell 4 Swell to Swell 16 Choir to Swell 8 Choir to Swell 4 Choir to Swell 16 Solo to Swell 8 Solo to Swell 4 Solo to Swell 16 Great to Great 4 Great to Great 16 Swell to Great 8 Swell to Great 4 Swell to Great 16 Choir to Great 8 Choir to Great 4 Choir to Great 16 Solo to Great 8 Solo to Great 4 Solo to Great |
16 Contra Fagotto 16 Tibia Clausa 16 Swell Bourdon 16 Violin (TC) 8 Trumpet 8 Open Diapason 8 Violin 8 Tibia Mollis 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Gedackt 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 Vox Humana 8 Violin I 8 Violin II 8 Violin III 8 Viol d'Orchestre 8 Viol Celeste 8 Salicional 8 Aeoline 4 Octave Diapason 4 Tibia Clausa 4 Bourdon Flute 4 Flauto Traverso 4 Vox Humana 4 Violina 4 Salicet 2 2/3 Bourdon Nazard 2 Bourdon Piccolo Harp Glockenspiel Xylophone Chimes Bird Strings P Strings MF Strings F SWELL ORGAN 2nd Touch 16 Fagotto 16 Trumpet (TC) 16 Bourdon 8 Tibia Clausa 4 Flauto Traverso COUPLER RAIL (continued) 16 Choir to Choir 4 Choir to Choir 16 Swell to Choir 8 Swell to Choir 4 Swell to Choir 16 Solo to Solo 4 Solo to Solo |
16 Violin 16 Double Dulciana 8 English Diapason 8 Flugel Horn 8 Clarabella 8 Clarinet 8 Gemshorn 8 Viola 8 Violin I 8 Violin II 8 Violin III 8 Dulciana 8 Unda Maris 4 Harmonic Flute 4 Violina 4 Dulcet 2 Flageolet 2 Dulcissimo Snare Drum Tap Snare Drum Roll Tom-Tom Castenets Sleigh Bells Wood Drum Tambourine Strings F CHOIR ORGAN 2nd Touch 8 English Diapason 8 Flugel Horn 8 Clarabella 8 Clarinet TREMOLOS Swell Great Choir Solo Antiphonal Echo Swell Vox Humana Echo Vox Humana |
8 Tuba Mirabilis 8 Stentorphone 8 Philomela 8 Gross Gamba 8 Oboe Horn 4 Tuba Clarion 4 Gambette Chimes ANTIPHONAL ORGAN 8 Trumpet 8 Open Diapason 8 Hohl Flute ECHO ORGAN 16 Echo Bourdon 8 Night Horn 8 Flute Celeste 8 Viol Sorino 8 Vox Humana 4 Fern Flute 4 Violetta Bird PEDAL ORGAN 32 Resultant Bass 16 Double Open Diapason 16 Trombone 16 Pedal Bourdon 16 Swell Bourdon 16 Echo Bourdon 16 Contra Fagotto 16 Violone 16 Dulciana 8 Open Diapason 8 Tuba 8 Pedal Flute 8 Doppel Flute 8 Echo Bourdon 8 Cello 8 Dulciana 4 Tuba Clarion 4 Pedal Flute 4 Dulcet Cornet III Blank Red Tab Blank Red Tab PEDAL ORGAN 2nd Touch Bass Drum Snare Drum Tympani Bass Drum/Cymbal |
ELks lodge 99 -- lobby organ console specification
This two-manual console was designed to control only the antiphonal/echo organ, which was located halfway down the lodge hall, over the main entrance to the hall. The antiphonal/echo chamber had two sets of expression shades -- one opening into the lodge hall, and the other opening into the large lobby at the top of the grand staircase, where this console was installed. The present location of this console is unknown. This was one of possibly two Robert Morton installations which were provided with two consoles:
8 Trumpet 8 Open Diapason 8 Hohl Flute 16 Echo Bourdon 8 Night Horn 8 Flute Celeste 8 Viol Sordino 8 Viol Aetheria 8 Vox Humana 4 Fern Flute 4 Violetta 16 Great to Great 4 Great to Great 16 Swell to Great 8 Swell to Great 4 Swell to Great |
8 Trumpet 8 Open Diapason 8 Hohl Flute 16 Echo Bourdon 8 Night Horn 8 Flute Celeste 8 Viol Sordino 8 Viol Aetheria 8 Vox Humana 4 Fern Flute 4 Violetta 16 Swell to Swell 4 Swell to Swell Chime Dampers Chimes F Chimes P |
16 Bourdon 16 Echo Bourdon 8 Flute 8 Great to Pedal 8 Swell to Pedal TREMOLOS Echo Tremolo Antiphonal Tremolo Vox Humana Tremolo |
SAENGER THEATRE, NEW ORLEANS -- Opus 1650 -- THE first of the wonder mortons
32 Resultant Bass (Tibia) 16 Contra Oboe Horn 16 Contra Violin 16 Diaphone 16 English Horn 16 Flute Bass 16 Gamba 16 Major Diaphone 16 Tibia Plena 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 English Horn 8 Flute 8 Gamba 8 Kinura 8 Quintadena 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 Open Diapason 8 Oboe Horn 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Plena 8 Tuba 8 Violin 8 Vibrato Violins 2 Fife Bass Drum Kettle Drum Cymbal Crash Cymbal 8 Pedal to Pedal 8 Solo to Pedal PEDAL 2nd Touch Bass Drum' Kettle Drum Cymbal Crash Cymbal Gong Roll ORCHESTRA 16 Major Diaphone 16 Oboe Horn 16 Tiba Clausa 16 Tibia Plena 8 Concert Flute 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 English Horn 8 French Horn 8 Flute 8 Foundation Vox Humana 8 Gamba 8 Kinura 8 Krumet 8 Quintadena 8 Solo Vox Humana 8 Saxophone 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 Open Diapason 8 Oboe Horn 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Plena 8 Tuba 8 Viola Celeste 8 Violin 8 Vibrato Violins 8 Celeste Violin 4 English Horn 4 Foundation Vox Humana 4 Gamba 4 Tibia Clausa 4 Tibia Plena 4 Trumpet 4 Viola Celeste 4 Violin 4 Celeste Violin 4 Vibrato Violins 2 Gamba 2 Tibia 2 Fife Chimes Chrysoglott Glockenspiel Marimba Harp Xylophone |
16 Violin 8 Clarinet 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 English Horn 8 French Horn 8 Flute 8 Foundation Vox Humana 8 Gamba 8 Kinura 8 Krumet 8 Quintadena 8 Solo Vox Humana 8 Saxophone 8 Open Diapason 8 Oboe Horn 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Plena 8 Tuba 8 Viola Celeste 8 Violin 8 Celeste Violin 4 Flute 4 Gamba 4 Viola Celeste 4 Vibrato Violins 2 Fifteenth 2 Piccolo 2 2/3 Twelfth 2 Tibia 2 Fife Chrysoglott Glockenspiel Marimba Harp Orchestra Bells Snare Drum Loud Snare Drum Soft Tamobourine Castenets Tom Tom Wood Drum (block) Chinese Gong 8 Great to Accompaniment 8 Solo to Accompaniment 8 Solo Pizzicato to Accompaniment 8 Accompaniment to Accompaniment ACCOMPANIMENT 2nd Touch 8 Tuba 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Open Diapason 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Plena 8 2nd Touch Solo to Accomp 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 Clarinet 4 Tibia Clausa Chimes Triangle Bird Whistle TOE PISTONS Thunder Rain Boat Whistle Surf Crash Cymbal Bell Klaxon TREMULANTS Left Left Reeds Tibia Plena Right Right Reeds Tibia Clausa Accompaniment |
16 Contra Oboe Horn 16 Celeste Violin 16 Diaphone 16 English Horn (TC) 16 Flute 16 Gamba 16 Tibia Plena 16 Tuba 16 Violin Celeste (TC) 16 Violin 8 Clarinet 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 English Horn 8 French Horn 8 Flute 8 Foundation Vox Humana 8 Gamba 8 Kinura 8 Krumet 8 Quintadena 8 Solo Vox Humana 8 Saxophone 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 Open Diapason 8 Oboe Horn 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Plena 8 Trumpet 8 Tuba 8 Violin 8 Vibrato Violins 8 Celeste Violin 4 English Horn 4 Foundation Vox Humana 4 Flute 4 Gamba 4 Open Diapason 4 Oboe Horn 4 Saxophone 4 Tibia Clausa 4 Tibia Plena 4 Tuba 4 Trumpet 4 Viola Celeste 4 Violin 4 Celeste Violin 4 Vibrato Violins 2 Gamba 2 2/3 Twelfth Flute 1 3/5 Tierce 2 Fife 4 Fife (TC) 1 Fife Chimes Chrysoglott Glockenspiel Marimba Harp Orchestra Bells Sleigh Bells Xylophone 16 Great to Great 16 Solo to Great 8 Solo to Great 8 Solo Pizzicato to Great 4 Great to Great 4 Solo to Great GREAT 2nd Touch 16 Tuba 16 Diaphonic Diapason 16 Tibia Plena 16 Tibia Clausa 16 Gamba 16 Oboe 8 Solo 2nd Touch |
16 Diaphone 16 English Horn 8 Clarinet 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 French Horn 8 Flute 8 Foundation Vox Humana 8 Gamba 8 Kinura 8 Krumet 8 Quintadena 8 Solo Vox Humana 8 Saxophone 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 Open Diapason 8 Oboe Horn 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Trumpet 8 Tuba 8 Viola Celeste 8 Violin 8 Vibrato Violins 8 Celeste Violin 4 Gamba 4 Tibia Clausa 4 Tibia Plena 4 Viola Celeste 4 Violin 4 Celeste Violin 4 Vibrato Violins 2 Tibia Piccolo 2 Fife Chrysoglott Glockenspiel Marimba Harp Orchestra Bells Xylophone Mutation coupler of Fifths 16 Orchestra to Solo 16 Solo to Solo 4 Solo to Solo (2nd Touch REMOVED) |
16 Tuba 16 Violoncello (tc) Chinese Gong
8 Tuba 8 Tuba Crash Cymbal
8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Clausa TREMULANTS:
8 Concert Flute 8 Concert Flute
8 Violin 8 Violin Left
8 Violin Celeste 8 Violin Celeste Right
8 Clarinet 8 Clarinet Tibia Clausa
8 Vox Humana 8 Vox Humana Vox Humana
4 Tuba 4 Diapason
4 Tibia Clausa 4 Tibia Clausa
Orchestra Bells 4 Concert Flute
Xylophone 4 Violin
8 Great coupler 4 Violin Celeste
2 2/3 Twelfth*
GREAT: 2 Piccolo*
Snare Drum
16 Tuba Tambourine
16 Diaphone Castanets
16 Tibia Clausa (tc) Chinese Block
8 Tuba Tom Tom
8 Diaphonic Diapason Sleigh Bells
8 Tibia Clausa Chrysoglott
8 Concert Flute 8 Great coupler
8 Violin
8 Violin Celeste 2nd Touch:
8 Clarinet
8 Vox Humana 8 Tuba
4 Tuba 8 Tibia Clausa
4 Tibia Clausa Xylophone
4 Concert Flute Chimes
4 Violin
4 Violin Celeste PEDAL:
4 Vox Humana
2 2/3 Twelfth* *drawn from Concert Flute 16 Tuba Profunda
2 Piccolo* 16 Diaphone
1 3/5 Tierce* 16 Bourdon
Chrysoglott 8 Tuba
Orchestra Bells 8 Diaphonic Diapason
Xylophone 8 Tibia Clausa
Chimes 8 Flute
4 Great 8 Violoncello
Bass Drum
2nd Touch: Tympani
16 Tuba
8 Tuba 2nd Touch:
8 Tibia Clausa
Bass Drum
Crash Cymbal
16 Tuba 16 Violoncello (tc) Chinese Gong
8 Tuba 8 Tuba Crash Cymbal
8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Diaphonic Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa 8 Tibia Clausa TREMULANTS:
8 Concert Flute 8 Concert Flute
8 Violin 8 Violin Left
8 Violin Celeste 8 Violin Celeste Right
8 Clarinet 8 Clarinet Tibia Clausa
8 Vox Humana 8 Vox Humana Vox Humana
4 Tuba 4 Diapason
4 Tibia Clausa 4 Tibia Clausa
Orchestra Bells 4 Concert Flute
Xylophone 4 Violin
8 Great coupler 4 Violin Celeste
2 2/3 Twelfth*
GREAT: 2 Piccolo*
Snare Drum
16 Tuba Tambourine
16 Diaphone Castanets
16 Tibia Clausa (tc) Chinese Block
8 Tuba Tom Tom
8 Diaphonic Diapason Sleigh Bells
8 Tibia Clausa Chrysoglott
8 Concert Flute 8 Great coupler
8 Violin
8 Violin Celeste 2nd Touch:
8 Clarinet
8 Vox Humana 8 Tuba
4 Tuba 8 Tibia Clausa
4 Tibia Clausa Xylophone
4 Concert Flute Chimes
4 Violin
4 Violin Celeste PEDAL:
4 Vox Humana
2 2/3 Twelfth* *drawn from Concert Flute 16 Tuba Profunda
2 Piccolo* 16 Diaphone
1 3/5 Tierce* 16 Bourdon
Chrysoglott 8 Tuba
Orchestra Bells 8 Diaphonic Diapason
Xylophone 8 Tibia Clausa
Chimes 8 Flute
4 Great 8 Violoncello
Bass Drum
2nd Touch: Tympani
16 Tuba
8 Tuba 2nd Touch:
8 Tibia Clausa
Bass Drum
Crash Cymbal
Resources included: Diaphonic Diapason, Horn Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Flute, Violin, Violin Celeste, Tuba, Clarinet, Kinura, Orchestral Oboe, Vox Humana, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Chrysoglott Harp, Cathedral Chimes, plus traps and percussions. Installed in two chambers.